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Jesus christ preaching

Question: It is clear that the second coming of the Lord in the last days is the incarnation here to do the work of judgment. But we don’t understand the truth of the incarnation and so are easily deceived by the rumors and falsities of the CCP government and the pastors and elders of the religious world. As a result, we will treat God incarnate as merely a man and even resist and blaspheme Him. Thus, I wish to ask you about the truth of the ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 331 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-06-09 | Comments (0)

Jesus christ preaching, Jesus teachings

Question: It is clearly written in the Bible that the Lord Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and all those who believe in the Lord also believe that the Lord Jesus is Christ and that He is the Son of God. And yet you testify that the incarnate Christ is the manifestation of God, that He is God Himself. Will you please tell us whether the incarnate Christ is really the Son of God, or God Himself?

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Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 244 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-06-06 | Comments (0)

Jesus christ preaching, the ministry of Jesus

Fallacy: The CCP government claims Almighty God whom the believers of the Eastern Lightning believe in, also called Practical God, is an ordinary person, because it knows His family background clearly.

Rebuttal: The words of the CCP government expose one of its opinions: It judges whether Almighty God is God according to His family background. Seeing Almighty God was born in an ordinary and normal family, it thinks He is a person rather than God. Is such ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 123 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-06-05 | Comments (0)

By Zhang Li

One morning, when my daughter and I were studying the Bible together, we saw these verses: “Philip said to him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffices us. Jesus said to him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father? Believe you not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak to you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works” (John 14:8-10). Wearing a look of confusion, my daughter asked me, “Mom, wh ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 129 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-06-04 | Comments (0)

By Xie Shang

As Christians, we are all familiar with the word “Christ,” because we pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ every day. Then why do we call the Lord Jesus “Christ?” What does Christ mean? Some people may say, “Christ means the anointed One.”Jesus christ Some say, “Christ ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 253 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-06-03 | Comments (0)

Jesus prayer

By Zhen Xin

We all know that the Lord Jesus was incarnated and performed the redemptive work, and all who believe in the Lord affirm that the Lord Jesus is the Savior. However, the Bible records that after the Lord Jesus was baptized, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Lord Jesus like a dove, a voice said: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 156 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-06-02 | Comments (0)

By Xiaoxiao, France

The sky was clear, and the sun’s golden rays lit up the earth. Green grass was waving in the breeze; flowers were in bloom; twittering birds were scampering in the trees. On such a beautiful morning, Tian Lu, wearing earplugs, listened to hymns as she swept the floor. When sweeping in front of the desk, she took off the earplugs and put them on the desk, and then caught sight of the picture of the Lord Jesus on the wall. Then her eyes were blinded with tears, myriads of thoughts welling up in her mind …

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Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 109 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-06-01 | Comments (0)

By Xie Wen, Japan

January 15, 2018 Monday

Today, after breakfast, I hurried to attend the Bible study meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting, someone raised such a question: Was the Lord Jesus Christ God’s Son or God Himself? Then we began to debate about this question. Some people said the Lord Jesus Christ is God Himself because the Bible says, “The Lord our God is one Lord” (Mar ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 123 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-05-31 | Comments (0)

Jesus baptism

By Xiaojie

One day when reading the Bible, I came across the following verses, “And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, see, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting on him: And see a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:16-17), a ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 103 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-05-30 | Comments (0)

By Liu Yun

After the prayer meeting, I invited three church members to my house. They were Sister Wang, Sister Yu, and Sister Zhao who teaches hymn-singing. All of them have been my spiritual colleagues in the Lord for many years. After we reached my house, I brewed some tea for them, and then we got to chatting. Sister Zhao said, “Hey, there is a question I still can’t understand. Usually the preachers always say that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God. And I also see from the Bible that while the Lord Jesus was preaching or speaking to people, He always called God in heaven Father. So, I believe that the Lord Jesus is God’s Son. However, I also see the Bible say that the Lord Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and that He once said to His disciples: ‘Believe me that I am in the Father, and the ... Read more »

Category: Enter the Kingdom of God | Views: 99 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-05-29 | Comments (0)

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