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How to Pray to God, How to enter into true prayer

By Yang Yang
Every brother and sister knows that prayer is a way by which we communicate with God. Therefore, apart from in the morning and evening, we also pray before and after meals, at gatherings, on the Sabbath, and so on. However, how exactly should we pray so that our prayers can be accepted by God and conform to His will? Each brother and sister should know it. In fact, the Lord Jesus has already told us the answer to this question. Let us seek this aspect of the truth together.

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Category: Prayer | Views: 97 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-03-17 | Comments (0)

How to Pray to God, How to enter into true prayer

By Cheng Shi

Prayer is a way for us Christians to maintain a proper relationship with God, especially prayers in the morning and at night. Although Brother Zhang insisted on praying every day, he still felt the Lord didn’t listen to his prayer, and he even couldn’t feel His presence. When he posted this feeling on the Internet, it aroused an echo among many brothers and sisters.

To prove Brother Zhang’s words were true, some brothers and sisters also opened their hearts, sayi ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 75 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-03-16 | Comments (0)

By Zhicheng

Every brother and sister who comes before the Lord Jesus has felt the power of prayer. The Lord Jesus once promised us, “What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them” (Mark 11:24). Owing to the Lord’s promise to us, we received a lot of grace and blessings by praying before Him, such as the healing of sickness, the peace of our family, the frequent rejoicing in our heart, our being able to have love and patience toward others, and so on. No matter what persecution or tribulations came upon us, as long as we prayed to the Lord Jesus, we would then have faith and be willing to endure all hardships. And our church also gradually prospered. All of these things made us feel deeply that the ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 81 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-12 | Comments (0)

prayer, How to Pray to God, Pray to God

By Wuruo, United States

Prayer is the bridge for us to have a spiritual communication with God. God is the Spirit; only when we use our heart and honesty to worship Him, can we enter into a genuine connection and establish a proper relationship with Him.

After accepting God’s new work, I often had meetings and fellowshiped God’s words with my sisters, through which I gradually gained some ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 96 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-11 | Comments (0)

prayer, pray to God

Every one of us who has faith in the Lord has known and experienced that prayer is very important, but we seldom think about whether our prayers are in accord with the Lord’s will. Some time ago, I read some spiritual books on the Internet and came to know that if we wish to obtain truth and life, we must meet three aspects of prayers every day. When I consciously followed the way given in the book, I actually got some unexpected reward. Here I shall share my gain with you.

The first aspect: pondering ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 101 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-10 | Comments (0)

By Yi Fan

Shortly after the meeting, several sisters happily fellowshiped about the gains in the meeting with each other; only Zimo sat there silently, seemingly having something on her mind. The church leader Sister Jing asked with concern: “Zimo, do you have any difficulties? Tell us and then we can fellowship about them together.”

Zimo nodded and said: “Sister Jing, there is a problem that has confused me for a long time. Every time when I pray, I have too much stress, not knowing what to say to God. Especially at meetings, hearing the brothers and sisters pray for a long time and have a lot to say to God, I will admire them very much, wanting to copy them. ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 63 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-09 | Comments (0)

How to Pray to God, How to enter into true prayer

By Lin Qiao

Ever since we started believing in the Lord, we knew that praying to God and communing with God is indispensable to our spiritual life. Because God’s word says, “Prayer is one of the ways in which man cooperates with God, it is a means by which man calls upon God, and it is the process by which man is touched by God’s Spirit. It can be said that those who are without pray ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 106 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-08 | Comments (0)

pray to God, prayer

By Qiaohui

As Christians, if we rely on God and look to God in everything with a God-fearing heart, not only will our difficulties be resolved, but we will also yield twice the result with half the effort in doing things. Even more importantly, we’ll be able to see many wondrous deeds of God and have more faith in Him. But how should we practice relying on God and looking to God? Some time ago, I read some spiritual books and found the path to practice. Here, I’d like to share with you three principles of p ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 95 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-07 | Comments (0)


By Guoshi

Brothers and sisters:

Peace to you in the Lord! Today, our topic of fellowship is “the three problems we must resolve in prayer.” May the Lord guide our fellowship. We brothers and sisters all know that prayer is the path for establishing a normal relationship with God. We all hope that our prayers are heard and accepted, but today many brothers and sisters are troubled by the fact that their prayers aren’t heard and accepted. So, how should we pray according to God’s will, and what problems must we ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 92 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-06 | Comments (0)

pray to God, How to enter into true prayer

One day, I sought from one of my friends, who believes in God, about the matter of prayer: “Many times when I pray to God, I cannot see the leadership and guidance of God, nor do I know how to pray in a way that conforms to God’s will.”

Hearing this, my friend earnestly said to me, “I also had a similar situation as you in the past. During that period, no matter how I prayed to God, I couldn&rs ... Read more »

Category: Prayer | Views: 100 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-05 | Comments (0)

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