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How to Pray to God, How to enter into true prayer

By Xing Yue, Italy

“Hello, please can I ask whether your restaurant is hiring any staff at the moment?”

“Can you speak a foreign language? Do you have work experience?”

“No, sorry, I don’t speak any foreign language and I don’t have any work experience.”

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Category: Testimonies | Views: 92 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-28 | Comments (0)

Triumph Over Illness, God’s Protection

By Zhongxin

“Ma’am, Xiaowei had a brain hemorrhage. She’s in the hospital right now, and the doctor says they need to operate immediately …” I was shocked when I received a call from my daughter’s friend in Thailand. No wonder I hadn’t been able to reach my daughter on the phone the last few days. My daughter was sick, and very seriously.

In the moment, I didn’t know what to do. When I put down the phone, I quickly went before God and prayed, &l ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 74 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-27 | Comments (0)

  By Shangjin

One noon in late fall, Hanmei had just finished the domestic chores when she heard a sudden burst of knocking at the door. A sister in the church came to tell her that the CCP police would put the believers who got arrested before into prison again and that some brothers and sisters had been arrested these past few days. So she asked Hanmei to leave home quickly to hide herself. When Hanmei heard of this news, she couldn’t help but remember the scenes of her being arrested two years ago.

In 2012, it was the time to spread the kingdom gospel of God. For the sake of repaying ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 92 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-26 | Comments (0)

find the shepherd

By Wang Feng

Whenever I see these words spoken by God, “Almighty God is an all-powerful physician! To dwell in sickness is to be sick, but to dwell in the spirit is to be well. If you have but one breath, God will not let you die,” I think of how in the past, though I had followed God for many years, I just verbally acknowledged that there is a God and understood the literal meaning of God’s words, and I wasn’t able to experience God’s words at all in real life and didn’t u ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 72 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-25 | Comments (0)

In 1997, my wife fell seriously ill. We spent all our savings to cure her illness, but with no result. It had ever driven our life into a corner for a period of time. At that point, a friend of mine preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus to me; my wife, my two daughters, and I all accepted the gospel. From then on, we read the Bible and prayed to the Lord every day. Especially when I read the Lord’s word in the Bible, saying, “Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mat 11:28), I would often confide my sorrow to the Lord. Under His blessing, I suffered no distress little by little and not long after, my wife’s illness was cured miraculously. Since then on, our ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 71 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-24 | Comments (0)

 Discern the CCP’s Substance, God’s Love, CCP’s Persecution

By Zhou Jun, Germany

In a few days it would be Christmas Day, so the streets were full of festival atmosphere. As I was memorizing words with drooping head inside my classroom as usual, my classmate Anna who came from Philippines sat next to me and asked curiously: “Jun, will you return to China this Christmas to reunite with your family?” At her words, I was speechless, just looking at her and not knowing how to reply her.

She asked me ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 81 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-23 | Comments (0)

Religious Persecution, Discern the CCP’s Substance

By Gu Yue, China

Editors’ Note: In recent years, the Chinese government’s religious persecution has become more and more serious. Not only have many churches been shut down, many crosses have been destroyed, and religious beliefs are required to be “Sinicized”. In the midst of this cruel persecution and suppression, religious belief in China is in danger. Christian Gu Yue was arrested by the CCP police for believing in God, after which she was subjected to all kinds of torture, and then sentenced to 4 years in prison despite committing ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 83 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-22 | Comments (0)

Brothers and sisters of Find the Shepherd!

Recently, a problem has been bothering me. I have a five-year-old daughter, who becomes less and less obedient. Every time I called her to have meals or go to nursery school, she would dilly-dally until I shouted at her. As was often the case in everyday life, I had to keep urging her and even lose my temper before she would do as I said reluctantly. Gradually, I found that my daughter was unwilling to be close to me and that the relationship between us became worse and worse. I felt very upset about this. So I’d like to ask: What should I do to make my daughter obedient? How can I get along well with her?< ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 79 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-20 | Comments (0)

 By Han Bin, Germany

“Your child is diagnosed with juvenile depression. Now she should stop going to school and recuperate for a time.” The doctor’s words stupefied me like a slap in the face. Looking at Xiaoyu nestling in my arms, I suddenly felt guilty and sad, tears of remorse rolling down my face …

 母女關係When I was young, to reduce the burden of my family, I stepped into society to work after graduating from middle school. During many years of struggle, I ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 80 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-19 | Comments (0)

 By Cecilia, United States

Saturday, June 3, 2017 Cloudy

This morning, I eagerly asked my father to teach me cooking, and he agreed right away. Then I started to prepare ingredients for cooking. When he saw that I was slow in washing and cutting vegetables, he constantly nagged me aside and told me how to cut quickly. I was upset to hear his words, feeling that he didn’t show any consideration for me at all and thought: “How can I cut quickly as I have just started to learn to cook?” Then as I was slow in putting vegetables into the wok, he resented me and became unpleasant. He told me to turn down the fire in about one mi ... Read more »

Category: Testimonies | Views: 68 | Added by: yinyixiao380 | Date: 2020-02-18 | Comments (0)

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